Monday, September 26, 2016

"Swiss Army Man" is misguided tale of friendship & survival

Paul Dano is an intriguing actor, and he has surely taken chances in his career.  However, that streak should have ended with Swiss Army Man, a twisted, strange movie that is short on laughs or emotion of any kind.  Dano is stranded on an unknown island, and right before he kills himself, he finds a corpse of another man (Daniel Radcliffe), whose flatulence is so bad he's able to use a man as a fast flotation device, his ass-resembling a high-powered engine.  When the two men eventually reach another landmass' wilderness, the movie turns into a perverse (well, even more so than before) study of a man befriending a talking corpse who spits water from his mouth, and is useful in many other ways, similar to a human version of the famous pocket gadget of the title.  It is a bizarre story, and an even more outlandish climax that is laughable as it is preposterous.

Remember: if you should ever think that your entire existence has been an complete waste of time and space, always remember that tens (hundreds, perhaps?) of people got up very early for over three weeks and worked their asses off to create a pile of shit such as this.  Then, and only then, by acknowledging that you had nothing to do with this, will you find meaning in this life.

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