Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Doctor is one "Strange" and over-the-top spectacle

Benedict Cumberbatch is a unique actor.  His features, along with his eclectic voice, often combine to produce characters that we as audiences can not shake off easily.  As Doctor Stephen Strange, the titular character of Marvel's new superhero movie, he is a brilliantly arrogant surgeon whose dreams go up in smoke after a car accident leaves him with broken and disfigured fingers, and therefore unable to repair anyone's spine ever again.  Seeking some new form of physical revery therapy through meditation, he ventures all the way to Nepal in search of the Ancient One (Tilda Swinton), who may be capable of teaching him how to access a separate world outside of our own.  Naturally, such experiments seldom lead to pure bliss, and therefore villains like Kaecillius (Mads Mikkelsen) enter the scene, wearing cheesey looking "dark evil eyes" make-up, wanting to open various new portals to some underworld, or whatever all these psychos try to pull off in films of similar ambition.  The special effects here are often over-the-top, the visuals are even confusing (did the city really need to bend and unfold unto itself to that degree??), and the story is just, well... kinda shitty.  It's a shame that all of $165 million went into the film's extravagant production, with very little of it invested into rewriting the script, whose villains are cartoonish at best.  Doctor Strange is the kind of movie where your brain will take a hundred-and-thirty minute break, while your eyes likely will roll right out of your head.

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